During the test at White Sands Missile Range, the U.S. Army successfully tracked the missile using the Lower-Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor (LTAMDS) radar. The data gathered from this tracking was then utilized by the Patriot interceptor system, which engaged the target with precision. The Black Dagger Zombie missile followed a pre-programmed trajectory, ultimately reaching its interception point over the missile range in New Mexico.
The Tactical Range Air Defense Missile (TACRAM) launch team worked closely with USASMDC and White Sands Missile Range to ensure the missile flight test proceeded smoothly and safely, following all necessary protocols.
"We are pleased to support the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command in enabling the testing of the advanced Patriot missile and LTAMDS systems," said Scott Hall, President of Teledyne Brown Engineering. "These tests are integral to ensuring that, if needed, these systems will work to protect the Warfighter and our nation."
The Black Dagger Zombie target missile is designed to simulate high-speed ballistic flight paths to test and validate missile defense capabilities. It is one of several types within Teledyne's TACRAM family of target missiles. For this program, Teledyne Brown Engineering designs and manufactures cost-effective, adaptable target missiles intended to test cutting-edge missile defense systems.
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